Major Art Centers Around the World

In almost every city around the world there is at least one art gallery or museum, but some cities are seen as the major art centers for a variety of reasons, whether it be due to the number of famous artists who either were born there or currently work there, or the collections of art that country has. The following are considered to be some of the most highly though of art centers of the world:

Tokyo, Japan

Unlike many other cities that have what is typically dubbed ‘the art district’ art galleries are spread throughout the city so that no matter where you are there is an opportunity to see some of the finest art Japan has to offer for viewing. Of note is the gallery of contemporary art that is housed in what was once a public bathhouse that is now 200 years old. Faint Mag is opening an office there soon so expect more content from that area.


While people often think of Singapore as being a major financial center, the city is beginning to compete with many other cities around the world for a place among the list of major art centers of the world. A walk along a few of the city’s streets will reveal amazing artwork on buildings, but there are also several Art Museums worth visiting. Amazing sculptures can be viewed in various public places, and of course Dali’s Homage to Newtown is at home in Singapore.

Barcelona, Spain

Picasso fans should head straight to the Museu Picasso to view one of the most extensive collections of Picasso’s works. The city is rife with stunning architecture also, providing contemporary artists making their home in Barcelona with a surfeit of inspiration. There are a number of contemporary art galleries to visit to see what the up and coming artists in Spain are producing.

Florence, Italy

Though better known for Renaissance art, Florence has more than its fair share of contemporary artists and galleries, making it an amazing city for art enthusiasts to visit. Michelangelo’s David sculpture is housed at Galleria dell’Accademia but art fans who want to see Botticelli or Raphael works will have to visit the Galleria degli Uffizi. Also worth seeing is the huge golden turtle monument near Palazzo Vecchio.

London, U.K.

Although not quite as prolific as Paris, London has a large number of art galleries, with one in almost every corner of the city. The National Gallery houses some of the most iconic works such as Van Gogh’s Sunflowers, and a visit to the Tate Modern will provide visitors with plenty of more modern art to view, by well-known artists like Warhol, Picasso and Hockney.

Paris, France

Home to The Louvre where Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa is hung, Paris has long been thought of as one of the world’s most exciting cities for art, from the classics to contemporary. The city has over 1000 art galleries making it one of the most visited by those who appreciate art in all forms. Paris is one of the fashion centres in the world as well.

New York City, U.S.A.

New York is home to some of the most famous art museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Guggenheim Museum which hold some major art collections. No matter where you go in New York there is likely to be some form of art to enjoy, from the great classics to street art and contemporary art.

Melbourne, Australia

Though by some standards Australia is a fairly young country it is one that is rich in art history, as can be seen at the National Gallery of Victoria. Those interested in contemporary art should take time to visit the Australian Center for Contemporary Art. The city is also a great place to see sculptures in public places and on streets, including the Angel sculpture created by Deborah Halpern.